Federal Updates Kathy Messerli (09 Mar 2017 22:25 UTC)
Re: Federal Updates Lisa Fowler (09 Mar 2017 22:45 UTC)
RE: Federal Updates Kathy Messerli (10 Mar 2017 17:36 UTC)
Re: Federal Updates Judy Giel (09 Mar 2017 23:37 UTC)

Federal Updates Kathy Messerli 09 Mar 2017 22:25 UTC
Dear Board Members,

I have participated in two federal calls today that included overviews of the ACA repeal. I will provide a brief update at the meeting next week (although it may be outdated by then!) and thought you may appreciate the two attachments that I've received through the Council of States.

I just received an email from a member looking for talking points - Senator Franken's will be visiting their health system next week to learn about how rural MN will be impacted. I've offered to join her for the visit.

Kathy Messerli
Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association
2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607
Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043
www.mnhomecare.org | kmesserli@mnhomecare.org