ED Update Kathy Messerli (17 Aug 2018 00:23 UTC)
RE: ED Update Andrea Jung (17 Aug 2018 18:24 UTC)
RE: ED Update Kathy Messerli (17 Aug 2018 19:44 UTC)
RE: ED Update Susan Morgan (17 Aug 2018 18:57 UTC)
RE: ED Update Drewlo, Bekki (17 Aug 2018 19:06 UTC)
Re: ED Update Fraser, Mary Jane (17 Aug 2018 22:35 UTC)

Re: ED Update Fraser, Mary Jane 17 Aug 2018 22:35 UTC

Thanks a million

Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphone

------ Original message------
From: Drewlo, Bekki
Date: Fri, Aug 17, 2018 2:07 PM
To: 'mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org';
Subject:RE: ED Update

Thank you Kathy!


Bekki Drewlo RN, BSN, MPA | HC Clinical Manager

Fairview Home Care and Hospice
Office: 651-257-7830 | Cell: 651-210-5419 | Fax 651-257-8852

From: mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org [mailto:mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org] On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 7:23 PM
To: MHCABOD@list.mnhomecare.org
Subject: ED Update

Following is a brief update for the board; please refer to the Informer for other updates that you will find valuable. We have already kept Kim busy in her new role!


*         New York congressman, U.S. Rep. Chris Collins, who was charged with insider trading is the key author on the non-physician practitioner bill. The future of the bill is unknown at this time, but there is speculation that it would require a new author to move forward.
*         We are in the process of scheduling the September meetings with our congressional delegation; MHA will join us for these meetings.

*         LAMN affiliation update: LAMN and MHCA will take turns writing the joint reports for the TAG meetings. The report from the first meeting was a bit delayed but is attached for your information. I have drafted the minutes from yesterday's meeting (meeting #2) and sent them to Jay and Judy for review. I hope to get them sent to you next week.

Council of States Leadership Conference - highlights
*         PDGM - It is estimated that the average  payment change under PDGM for MN agencies will be -5.7%. A report that splits that out by agency types is being reviewed by the Medicare Team. I have encouraged them to drafting comments to accompany the report when distributed to MHCA membership. MN ranks 47th of 54 (states & territories), likely due to high therapy utilization in our state.
*         NAHC 2.0 update: Bill Dombi provided an update on the progress they are making with the new strategic direction. They are seeking board nominations - I reviewed the list of NAHC members from MN and don't believe we have the appropriate leaders to nominate at this time.
*         CA and LA are added to the list of states that are now merging with the state hospice organization.
*         We had excellent speakers on association management topics, as well as covering policy updates. Once again, this was one of the most beneficial conferences I attend each year!
As always, please let me know if you have questions.
Kathy Messerli
Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association

2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607
Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043
www.mnhomecare.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.mnhomecare.org_&d=DwMFAg&c=e0qWO0MXWFiQgGWE0UmXdQ&r=6FBcxrROIGDbr62HjFfJMqmDQej5sJn8fLQOjEcfV0Y&m=EZoqktheKyNc3_-MKTzC1VGr0OifQ3Es0l01EqmCnG8&s=SQZcuX2QNsMUmQR-bUUVdfhKSSGUiiZ6KHHNxcv8JBc&e=> | kmesserli@mnhomecare.org<mailto:kmesserli@mnhomecare.org>

Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.

Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.

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