CMS ISSUES 2018 PROPOSED HHPPS RULE.docx Kathy Messerli 25 Jul 2017 21:31 UTC
Attached is a brief, early analysis of the CMS proposed 2018 HHPPS Rule from NAHC. This is a quick summary from the 389 page proposal. Corrections will be made, as needed. More detailed analysis to come. NAHC will also schedule a webinar to discuss this important proposal very soon.

We will put this in the next Informer.

Kathy Messerli
Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association
2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607
Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043 |

Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.

Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.