ED Update Kathy Messerli (21 Apr 2016 19:54 UTC)
RE: ED Update Fowler, Lisa (25 Apr 2016 15:06 UTC)
RE: ED Update Kathy Messerli (25 Apr 2016 19:43 UTC)
Re: ED Update Fowler, Lisa (28 Apr 2016 17:37 UTC)

Re: ED Update Fowler, Lisa 28 Apr 2016 17:37 UTC

Hi Kathy,

Any updates to my questions from Anni and Kevin?


Lisa Fowler

BAYADA Home Health Care| Area Director, Public Policy Development and Analysis

The Commons, Suite 201, 14451 Highway 7, Minnetonka, MN  55345

Office 612-252-4589<tel:612-252-4589> | Ext. 0292-20 l Mobile 952-836-8547<tel:952-836-8547>

Email  lfowler@bayada.com<https://email.bayada.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=hJUH1HCzpTzwCLNNZkNusuiIbKYQW0GCPuDasIfTLhs2o6ArC1fTCAFtYWlsdG86bGZvd2xlckBiYXlhZGEuY29t>

[FACEBOOKPHOTO] https://www.facebook.com/BAYADAHomeHealthCare/<https://email.bayada.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=dNxr4CfK2wIh7h9F6T3qAlKhIxaAnAyUCXvWRYF8H-w2o6ArC1fTCAFodHRwczovL3d3dy5mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vQkFZQURBSG9tZUhlYWx0aENhcmUv>

On Apr 25, 2016, at 2:43 PM, Kathy Messerli <kmesserli@mnhomecare.org<mailto:kmesserli@mnhomecare.org>> wrote:


I meet with Kevin and Anni Weds and will get more information at that time.


From: list-manager@list.mnhomecare.org<mailto:list-manager@list.mnhomecare.org> [mailto:list-manager@list.mnhomecare.org] On Behalf Of Fowler, Lisa
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 10:06 AM
To: mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org<mailto:mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org>
Subject: RE: ED Update

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for the update.

Could you (Anni or Kevin) please elaborate on the “special revenue account” mechanism?  How does this work?  Does this account already exist for a different purpose?  Do we have any way of knowing if this type of funding could even come close to 5%?  Or, if we might get funding through this mechanism plus a smaller % as a result of the Best Life bill?

I am sure there is some “crystal ball gazing” required for even an educated guess as to what might unfold.  I am only looking for a sense of where we might land.  How worried should we be?

Thank you!


Lisa Fowler

BAYADA Home Health Care| Area Director, Public Policy Development and Analysis
The Commons, Suite 201, 14451 Highway 7, Minnetonka, MN  55345
Office 612-252-4589<tel:612-252-4589> | Ext. 0292-20 l Mobile 952-836-8547<tel:952-836-8547>
Email  lfowler@bayada.com<https://email.bayada.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=hJUH1HCzpTzwCLNNZkNusuiIbKYQW0GCPuDasIfTLhs2o6ArC1fTCAFtYWlsdG86bGZvd2xlckBiYXlhZGEuY29t>

From: list-manager@list.mnhomecare.org<mailto:list-manager@list.mnhomecare.org> [mailto:list-manager@list.mnhomecare.org] On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 2:55 PM
To: mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org<mailto:mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org>
Subject: ED Update

Best Life Alliance
As I shared previously, this bill was laid over for possible inclusion in both the House and Senate HHS Omnibus Finance bills. As of Friday, Kevin and Anni had not seen the Senate HHS Omnibus bill, but expected to see it this week. In the House, the Best Life Alliance bill took a somewhat winding and complicated path this last week. As reported by Anni: “When all the dust settled late Friday afternoon, the House HHS Omnibus Finance bill had been amended to require the commissioner of human services to fully implement the Office of the Legislative Auditor’s recommendations related to oversight of eligibility determinations for state public health care programs, and in doing so any savings realized through these efforts are to be deposited into a medical assistance audit special revenue account. The money in the account, once it reaches a certain level, is to be used for a one-time HCBS rate increase. It is unlikely this specific mechanism for funding an increase will be included in a final negotiated HHS budget bill. However through many meetings and discussions with legislators and stakeholders last week, it was clear this was an attempt by the House to, within their commitment to spend zero new money in HHS this year, somehow keep the Best Life Alliance legislation as part of the conversation/potential negotiating package as the House, Senate and Governor head into their HHS negotiations that will take place in the coming weeks.”

Raising Spenddown
Unfortunately, the House HHS Omnibus bill did not include this bill when it was released. This was disappointing but not surprising given that this committee was given a spending target of zero.

MDH Omnibus Bill
The bill with the language regarding temporary suspension has reached the House Floor. This past week we learned that MDH was working on an amendment for when this bill is heard on the Senate floor that would clarify that homecare providers are included in Minn. Stat. sec. 144A.4791, Subdivision 14, Section 152.34, which is the portion of current state law that offers certain protections to health care facility employees regarding services to patients accessing medical cannabis (we previously reported that they were not going to move forward with this language and were surprised at this sudden communication). If this amendment is enacted, home care providers would be able to adopt reasonable restrictions on the use of medical cannabis by a client who is enrolled in the registry program.  It would also, presumably, exempt home care employees from criminal prosecution for possession of medical cannabis while carrying out employment duties. That being said, it’s important to remember that medical cannabis is not recognized as a legal substance federally.

Certified Paraprofessionals
PHCC introduced a bill last week that would create a new category of paraprofessional home care workers and asked MHCA to sign onto it in the 11th hour. I made the determination not to do so as I believe a new category of staff would need further vetting and collaborative dialogue. This bill indicated that a certified paraprofessional would include medical assistants, paramedics and emergency medical technicians and called for seeking federal approval for reimbursement. It was also clear that the Board of Nursing was not supportive of the bill, as drafted.

PCA Fraud
The MA Team Chair and I met with DHS as a follow-up to our meeting with them on PCA fraud. Rather than tackling a PCA Summit, we are currently considering a broad task force that seek solutions for various fraud related issues and an educational event for providers.

At the recent VNAA Annual Meeting, the VNAA Bylaws were revised to allow for for-profit agencies to join the prospective coalition. Tracey Moorhead has shared that “The new organization/coalition has not yet been created. However, it is anticipated that the entity would be open to membership by any provider meeting the membership criteria. Membership criteria has not yet been set but our Board and Strategic Planning Committee believed that tax status should not be the sole determinant. We are considering measures of community benefit and other criteria to ensure commitment to patient care, access and quality as key criteria. I expect that this is an effort to include agencies who are no longer wishing to be a member of NAHC.

PCA Alliance
I met with the leader of the PCA Alliance, which began forming last year. They have decided to move forward with a tax-exempt status and operate as an association but recognize that it will take a great deal of resources. Currently 75 agencies are each paying $400 in annual dues.  We have been communicating with them about the increased focus that MHCA has had on PCA issues and they seem pleased. They still contend that our dues are too steep for them. So one of the challenges that we will be faced with as we analyze our dues structure is whether a lower dues rate would be justified for PCA agencies. More to come on that, but we’ve opened the door of communication. Vicki Gerrits, Leg Team Chair and PCA provider, joined me for this initial meeting and they expressed interest in working with us on the PCA fraud issue.

We are hearing a stronger voice from members that budgets are not allowing them to participate in as much education, as they’d like. We will discuss this at the May board meeting, but in the meantime, we’d love for you to encourage your colleagues in the industry to attend the MHCA Annual Meeting. We have a fabulous line-up from the pre-conference on Quality to Clinical Quality, Medicare and Survey and Regulatory Analysis team presentations to an interactive closing on staying safe as you go in and out of homes caring for your clients. And, who won’t love networking with peers during the Wine Tasting/Tour or wacky Putt Putt event? Our registration is lower than we’d like to see at this date and hope you’ll help spread the word!

Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!

Kathy Messerli
Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association

2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607
Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043
www.mnhomecare.org<http://www.mnhomecare.org/> | kmesserli@mnhomecare.org<mailto:kmesserli@mnhomecare.org>

Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.
Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.

MHCA supports the Best Life Alliance<http://www.arrm.org/ARRM/Advocacy/Best_Life_Alliance.aspx>.

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