Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Katherine Messerli (26 Apr 2015 15:53 UTC)
Re: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Fowler, Lisa (26 Apr 2015 16:54 UTC)
Re: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Anne Major (27 Apr 2015 02:19 UTC)
Re: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Jill Kaske (27 Apr 2015 14:06 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Paitich, Nadine (27 Apr 2015 15:06 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Austin Figge (27 Apr 2015 15:14 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Anne Major (27 Apr 2015 15:15 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Kim Olson (27 Apr 2015 17:57 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Hespe, Linda J (27 Apr 2015 18:11 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Usset, Jan L (28 Apr 2015 17:11 UTC)
RE: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Edgett, Denise R (30 Apr 2015 17:34 UTC)

Re: Can you be at the Capitol Thursday am? Fowler, Lisa 26 Apr 2015 16:54 UTC

Traveling for work...sorry!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2015, at 8:54 AM, Katherine Messerli <<>> wrote:

The 5% Campaign is asking supporters to come to the Capitol  Thursday, April 30<x-apple-data-detectors://6>th<x-apple-data-detectors://6> for action. Exact time and details are still being worked out, but please plan to be at the Capitol mid-morning. On that day, we will be holding a press conference in the morning and connecting with our legislators outside the House and Senate chambers as legislators go into session. Advocates are also encouraged to set up a meeting with their legislators that day. Grassroots advocacy is essential - we need your support!

If you are able to be there, please let me know and we'll get additional details to you. Please refer to the following update from Anni on the 5% rate increase.

5% Rate Increase (HF 564 Hamilton; Applebaum; Backer; Baker; Bly;  et al. / SF 646 Eken; Brown; Hoffman; Rosen; Sheran)
Reimbursement Rates For Intermediate Care Facilities For Persons With Developmental Disabilities And Home And Community-based Service Providers Modified.
Link to bill: House<> Senate<>
Dates introduced: HF 564-2/5     SF 646-2/9
Overview: This is the bill for the 5% Campaign, and it proposes a 5% rate increase for HCBS providers in 2015 and 2016. This bill travelled through the committee process in both the House and Senate with strong testimony in all hearings from self advocates, DSPs, family members and providers about the importance of the work that DSPs do and the need for a rate increase to recognize this. At this time, this is where the 5% bill stands: The House HHS Omnibus bill includes  $90 million in one time funding for the 5% campaign, described in the bill as a one time, 5% increase in July of 2016 with 90% encumbrance. The Senate and Governor have not proposed to allocated any funding for the 5% bill. There are still over three weeks left in the legislative session, so The 5% Campaign is asking supporters to come to the Capitol next Thursday, April 30<x-apple-data-detectors://6>th<x-apple-data-detectors://6> for action. Exact time and details are still being worked out, but please plan to be at the Capitol mid-morning. On that day, we will be holding a press conference in the morning and connecting with our legislators outside the House and Senate chambers as legislators go into session. Advocates are also encouraged to set up a meeting with their legislators that day.

Kathy Messerli

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