Re: MDH meeting Jay 10 Oct 2014 22:22 UTC

The EHR issue is a good topic.
Also, if you have a chance to introduce the nursing and therapy "rebalance" issue, that would be good. Not too much, because we haven't had a chance to discuss with the lower level
BTW, when I reviewed our story with her, Nadine felt it would absolutely resonate with the docs. She is trying to set us up with the HealthEast executive medical director to discuss.

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> On Oct 10, 2014, at 3:29 PM, "Katherine Messerli" <> wrote:
> I have my "introduction" meeting with Commissioner Ehlinger, MDH, Monday morning. I know Dr. Ehlinger from my MMA days but thought it would be good to meet with him in my new role. If you have high level/big issues that you would like him to be aware of, please send them to me by 8:30 am Monday and I will do my best to include them in the conversation.
> We had a DHS meeting today and in talking with one of the staff, he shared that MDH had indicated to him that the MDH Commissioner would need to be approached for changes in the EHR mandate timeline. So, I will mention this - Commissioner/Dr. Ehlinger will recall the challenges physicians faced when responding to the EMR mandate!
> Have a wonderful weekend!
> Kathy Messerli
> Sent from my iPad