Message received.  On our way back from Scottsdale today.  

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On Nov 6, 2018, at 10:50 AM, Kathy Messerli <> wrote:

Board Meeting

While we have a board meeting on Thursday, that will solely focus on the budget approval (and be very short). So, I am sending you some updates via email.



I had an excellent conversation with the incoming Chair for MNHPC and identified some next steps for our conversation. We are also moving forward with planning for a jointly sponsored Palliative Care workshop for next fall. Please remember that this is CONFIDENTIAL and should not be shared with anyone, including LeadingAge. The Exec Committee is continuing conversations around the LeadingAge affiliation.



AL  Licensure

As you know I was disappointed by the number of people that left the conference and missed the advocacy sessions, including the Legislative Panel. I have asked the Leg Team to address grassroots once again and we will more the schedule around for next year.


The conversations around Assisted Living licensure are continuing in the Commissioner’s workgroups. I attend yesterday’s meeting and will seek input from the leaders of our SRA Team, including Lores. At this point, it appears that the issues we will want to watch closely are 1) how decisions are made about outside home care agencies coming in to serve residents (I emphasized the importance of residents being able to utilize their Medicare benefits and the need to allow Medicare Certified agencies to provide service, in addition to Comprehensive providers; and 2) An appeals process that would may be changed and applicable to all of home care.


Payment Reform

I talked with Bill Simione and, per his suggestion, gained valuable insight from my colleague in Indiana, who is also pursuing reform. I will seek more of an education around payment to help guide the group along with Kevin. But we are in need of additional volunteers to work on this project. The Indiana association Exec is willing to share his experience with our group and Greg VonArx is willing. As I mentioned I also have a volunteer from our team (owner of small agency in Greater MN). Bekki learned that her Fairview suggestion is not able to assist us at this time. Please forward other ideas to me ASAP.


PDGM Congressional Bills

NAHC and the Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare are working together on a strong push for the reform bills to get passed before year end. They are hosting a fly-in and asking us to participate, particularly if we have a member on a critical committee. Rep Paulson serves on the Ways and Means Committee. Because he is in a tight race, we are holding off until tomorrow to determine whether I join the group later this month. It is imperative that our voices are heard – please ask your employees to utilize the MHCA advocacy center to send letters! There will be an article in tomorrow’s Informer that you can share, with appropriate links and an excellent video from Bill Dombi.


Happy Election Day - Your Voice Matters!


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association


2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607

Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043 |


Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.


Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.