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Thanks for the updates Kathy!


From: <> On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2018 8:31 AM
Subject: affiliation messaging
Importance: High


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Please note: we are on pause with the messaging to the members today. I will keep you posted and send the letter/FAQs prior to it going out.


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association


2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607

Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043 |


Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.


Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.







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