Thanks Kathy for the update.  I'm glad the conference went well.  Agree with all that the F2F for ma sounds like a nightmare.  

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On Feb 2, 2016, at 10:00 AM, Kathy Messerli <> wrote:


Future of Home Care Conference

The conference was a big success last week and members would like to see it repeated next year. The national speakers were well received and attendees and exhibitors alike appreciated the technology demos. I’ll be asking the board at our next meeting what we can do to better appeal to your organizations & increase attendance in the future.


Advocacy Issues


The big news, as you noticed in Austin’s email is that CMS has announced F2F for Medicaid! This came without warning and we are looking into the next steps. Here’s what we believe, as of today: States will have to comply under their respective MA programs and this needs to pass state legislatures, but they must make the change to be in compliance with the federal law, which doesn’t give us much wiggle room. Kevin is reaching out to DHS to confirm the process and what we believe is an effective date of 7/1/17.


MDH Staff Changes

Josh Berg’s last day at MDH is this Friday. He is returning to the provider world (Accessible Space).  There has been a slight shift in the MDH Health Regulation Division. Stella French now joins Susan Winkelman as Asst Division Directors. HCALP (Josh) now reports to Stella and Mary Absolon continues to report to Susan.


MDH will be hosting quarterly meetings with LeadingAge, CareProviders and MHCA – we hope that this open the door for improved communication. Although I was just alerted by Kris Dudziak yesterday that there are home care providers openings on committee/councils that we were not informed about! I am attempting to get clarifications before the Informer goes out this afternoon.


MA Team – DHS

This is the week that the MA Team will be meeting with several DHS staff to address PCA fraud and potential steps to reduce fraud without licensing. I will update you following the meeting.




MHCA staff is meeting with staff from the MN Network of Hospice and Palliative Care tomorrow to discuss collaboration, including booth space at each others conferences and reciprocity for attendees. We do not do reciprocity for LeadingAge or CareProviders so this will likely involve future discussions. In the meantime, we will likely be doing so for our upcoming April and May conferences.


Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of the snow!!


Warm Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association

1711 West County Road B, Suite 211S, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55113

D: 651.635.0038  |  P: 651.635.0607  |  T: 1.866.607.0607  |  F: 651.635.0043  |


ALERT: As of Feb. 26, 2016, MHCA offices will be located at 2550 University Ave W, Ste. 350S, St. Paul, MN 55114-1900.


Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services

Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality care services


MHCA supports Best Life Alliance