Good luck Denise and let us know how it goes!



From: [] On Behalf Of Edgett, Denise R
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 4:45 PM
Subject: RE: Retreat reminder


I need to give my regrets for the retreat tomorrow- MDH arrived on our doorstep yesterday and we are in the midst of the usual survey activities. Do apologize…..


Denise Edgett, PHN

Homecare Manager

Integrated Home Care


From: [] On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 4:22 PM
Subject: Retreat reminder


Hello –


Just a reminder that our Board Retreat is Thursday. Due to the full agenda, we are starting promptly at 8 am and will get you out by 4 pm. Please plan accordingly for traffic. Cathy Barr will kick us off at 8 am and she has a lot of good information and handouts to tee up our conversation about what MHCA should consider for the future.


A couple of add’l updates:

-        It’s time to book rooms for the Fall Conference. MHCA will cover the expense of your Tuesday night room, following the board meeting. If you’ve like Allison to place your room reservation, please contact her at by Friday, October 9th.

-        Deb will send the latest financial to Austin. Since this is our retreat, we won’t review them….but I wanted you to know that we are bouncing back from our difficult Education start. We are also finalizing the first round of the 2016 budget for the Finance Committee.


See you all Thursday!


Warm Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota HomeCare Association

Office: 651-635-0038 | Cell: 612-590-4180


MHCA Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services





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