Yes, very thorough & interesting information.

Thanks Kathy!




Susan Morgan, RN, BSN |Chief Compliance Officer

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From: [] On Behalf Of Hespe, Linda J
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2015 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: ED Update


Thanks Kathy for the great report!


From: [] On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 7:10 PM
Subject: ED Update




The questions that MHCA sent to MDH regarding Medical Cannabis and home care have prompted a meeting on LTC and Cannabis. I am attending that meeting tomorrow and we have a cannabis session planned for the Fall Conference. We hope to provide additional instructions and insight for the members.


The MDH staff have also been busy preparing for next session. There was a recent meeting to begin discussions on potential legislative changes to the home care licensure statute. MDH is seeking input from MHCA and other stakeholders. We have created a sub-group of the Legislative and Survey and Regulatory Teams to address this issue and develop a recommendation for the Legislative Team. The sub-group will be chaired by Andrea Jung, Surv/Reg Team Chair; Lores will also participate as a support person for that team.


You may recall that the Unified Bill of Rights (BOR) bill was pulled by MDH last session. A large stakeholder groups met to discuss the Unified BOR. We were quite surprised to hear Josh Berg’s idea…..combining ALL medical and health care Bill of Rights together into one. I have not heard anything further, but I didn’t sense ‘buy-in’ at the meeting and there was a great deal of research that remained before this could be considered.


When we were proposing administrative standardization last session, Kevin had the opportunity to share with the DHS Commissioner that DHS has not been requiring the managed care plans to follow standardized administrative requirements for PCA services, as required in the statute below:


The commissioner shall require that managed care plans use the assessment and authorization processes, forms, timelines, standards, documentation, and data reporting requirements, protocols, billing processes, and policies consistent with medical assistance fee-for-service or the Department of Human Services contract requirements consistent with medical assistance fee-for-service or the Department of Human Services contract requirements for all personal care assistance services under section 256B.0659.


DHS has now asked MHCA to provide examples of how the health plans are not complying with this requirement. They would like specific examples/comparisons by health plan.  I’ve asked the MA team and the PCA Workgroup to provide examples so that the MA Team can respond to this request from the Commissioner’s office. If you know of other providers who can supply us with examples, please ask them to do so. Many thanks to Kevin for successfully working ‘behind the scenes’ to bring attention to this situation.


When I asked at a recent board meeting about PCA licensure, I recall hearing that the state wasn’t supportive of it. I met with Jerry Kerber recently to discuss the Integrated 245D program, fraud and other updates from his area. During this meeting, I learned that DHS would strongly support licensing of PCA agencies. One of the concerns had been funding for the licensure oversight/surveying and there has been a change in how the Department’s licensing activities are funded that minimizes historical concern over funding. DHS had recommended licensing for PCA’s and Jerry indicated a strong interest in having MHCA bring this issue forward again. We’ll have a discussion with the Legislative Team and seek input from the PCA Workgroup.




Although Annie’s due date is 3 weeks away, she is being closely monitored by her physician and I suspect she will deliver early. I will be out of the town for the Council of States (my home care assn peers) meeting next week (so I suspect she’ll have the baby then!). The temp that is filling in for the financial/bookkeeping portion of Annie’s job (Deb Abarr) has received orientation from Annie and I am meeting with the staff this week to review our transition plans. Please bear with us if there are some delays in responding. We will do our best to keep up while she is out for 3 months, but I am certain that will be a few bumps along the way.


Cathy Barr, HealthEast has committed to present at our Board Retreat September 24th. I am waiting to hear whether there is a room available at the 3M Innovation Center and have a room reserved, as back-up at Woodwinds in Woodbury.


Team Chairs have been oriented and we are in the process of 1:1 meetings with Chairs and staff to prep for the year ahead. I believe the Legislative Team will be the first one to meet in mid-August, with others to follow in late August and September.


We had an excellent meeting with the Alexandria media, sharing how technology is changing the face of home care. We will meet with the Red Wing media Wednesday. Accra has a policy that limits who can talk with the media so Kari Schafer is not able to help us with this initiative. Brian did a quick media training with Nikki Gruis-Diekmann, Medicare Team Chair, and she is stepping in for the Red Wing meeting.


We had several people on the waiting list for the ICD-10 training and were able to find a more suitable space that can accommodate more people. Allison notified attendees today and will accept those on the waiting list and other interested members, as space allows.


As always, please let me know if you have any questions.


PS – Please pardon the odd spacing of the paragraphs. The email settings are not cooperating tonight!


Warm Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota HomeCare Association

Office: 651-635-0038 | Cell: 612-590-4180


MHCA Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services