Just a quick update for you……


Allison Kindseth has accepted the MHCA offer and informed her current employer so I wanted to share a bit more with you. We will mention that she is arriving in the January newsletter and then include an introduction in the Jan 13th alert – the week she starts.


Allison was a conference manager for L & L Management Services (an association mgmt. company), being assigned to a couple of medical associations. She is currently the Education Programs Coordinator for the MN Multi Housing Association (trade association for apartments mgmt. companies, developers, etc). Her educational background and career beginning is hospitality so she is very customer centric. Allison brings strong planning skills, which have also been utilized in volunteer roles, in addition to educational events. Jason, Annie and I are all looking forward to having Allison join our team and I think you’ll enjoy her pleasant nature and plan-full approach! Her first day at MHCA will be January 12th.


Warm Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota HomeCare Association

Office: 651-635-0038 | Cell: 612-590-4180



MHCA Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services