Approved! 😊


From: <> On Behalf Of Troumbly, Katie J
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: Covid Protocol - Approval requested


ATTENTION: You have received this email from someone outside of CentraCare. Please use caution responding, opening attachments or clicking on links.


Thank you – looks good!




From: <> On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: Covid Protocol - Approval requested


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Sorry for back and forth on this. We made what we believe are simple edits. Will this meet the request for adding timelines?


Kind Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota Home Care Association


1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 2 | Arden Hills, MN 55112-6929

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607 |







From: <> On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 8:21 AM
Subject: RE: Covid Protocol - Approval requested
Importance: High


We didn't include dates in an effort to keep it simple, believing that our members should be knowledgeable (perhaps not a fair assumption?). If the board would like to includes dates, which of the following options would you like us to follow:


·       Protocol for HCW who are “up to date.”

·       Protocol for HCW who are “not up to date.”

·       Include both, which is a bit more complicated.




Kind Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota Home Care Association


1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 2 | Arden Hills, MN 55112-6929

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607 |







From: <> On Behalf Of Husen, Kristen
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 7:05 AM
Subject: RE: Covid Protocol - Approval requested


I agree with the adding the timelines as Katie suggested below.

I’m ok with the rest.



Kristy 😊


From: <> On Behalf Of Troumbly, Katie J
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 5:00 PM
Subject: RE: Covid Protocol - Approval requested


ATTENTION: You have received this email from someone outside of CentraCare. Please use caution responding, opening attachments or clicking on links.




Looks good, but I have a couple of questions/suggestions….


Do you want to put a timeline on this statement - have had close contact…….. who has tested positive (within a certain number of days)…




Should b have a timeline like c does?


If we are adding timelines throughout, we should do so in this section too…



This statement is confusing to me…






From: <> On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 1:33 PM
Subject: Covid Protocol - Approval requested


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We’d like to post the Covid Protocol for our Annual Meeting when registration opens so I’m hoping you’ll agree to doing an electronic approval. The policy is attached for your review. The covid protocol in red has been changed from last year’s conference. Please reply with your vote – thank you!!


Kind Regards,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota Home Care Association


1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 2 | Arden Hills, MN 55112-6929

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607 |







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