Dan Atwood began with MHCA last week. In the midst of his orientation, his primary project was to write a grant for the foundation and the workforce campaign; I believe it’s called baptism by fire! Seriously, Dan comes with training and
experience with grant writing and the Otto Bremer grant was submitted today! We will move back to more MHCA membership training next week and you can expect to hear from Dan as he dives deeper into the membership ROI.
Dan unfortunately didn’t get my best on-boarding as I tested positive on his day two! The rest of the staff remained negative, thankfully.
While this is technically “foundation” news, I will share that we have one more commitment from a funder for the workforce campaign and I have another meeting scheduled with another insurance company. Slow, but steady.
The Annual Meeting agenda is looking really good, thanks to your additional insight and the MRE Committee’s input.
Thanks to Bekki for stepping in with somewhat short notice to replace me on a panel today. Bethel was hosting a scrubs camp – high schoolers who are interested in health care. Diane Dahl at Bethel had given home care an opportunity to be
on a panel!
The other workforce projects are progressing nicely – the clinical site toolkit and the orientation toolkit should be wrapped up fairly soon. I’ve also met with a couple of nursing program contacts, continuing to build relationships.
At the Capitol, talks are continuing with legislators but it’s still not clear whether they’ll come to an agreement for a special session.
Wishing you all COOL plans for this upcoming heatwave!
Kind Regards,
Kathy Messerli
Executive Director
Minnesota Home Care Association
1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 2 | Arden Hills, MN 55112-6929
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main:
| kmesserli@mnhomecare.org