You don't often get email from bekkidrewlo@accentcare.com.
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Live your joy today,
Bekki Drewlo RN, BSN, MPA | Regional Director of Operations
Cell: 651-210-5419 | Email: bekkidrewlo@accentcare.com
A lot has been happening this week so thought I’d send you a quick note, even though we just met last week!
HF 3840 (increase home care Medicaid base rates) was heard in the House this morning and was laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Bill. Neither of our reimbursement bills received a Senate hearing but by both of them being heard in one body (the House), they can move forward to the next deadline. We are hearing that Sen Abeler will take up the base rate bill next week but it’s not likely he will address the underfunded bill. Stay tuned as there can be many twists and turns from here to the end of session.
Today, Cameo Zehnder from PHS and a family member testified along with me. Jason had a powerful story!
The attendees to the region meeting this week gave high marks to the Long Haul Covid presentation.
We are making some progress with the PR Campaign. Mandy and I have met with 3 PR consultants and will be making a decision once we receive a bit more information from the top 2. I am also having more conversations with potential funders and finding more interest!
The 501c3 application is fully submitted. There is a ‘chance’ that they are caught up and we’ll receive the approval within 1-2 months.
MHCA has more and more toolkits and quick reference guides. In an effort to ensure we maintain the membership value, we are going to start copyrighting certain documents. There is no fee involved but you will notice that added to some of our materials.
Stay warm and don’t blow away!!
Be Well,
Kathy Messerli
Executive Director
Minnesota Home Care Association
1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 2 | Arden Hills, MN 55112-6929
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607
www.mnhomecare.org | kmesserli@mnhomecare.org
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