I agree with the recommendation to go virtual for the fall conference. 

Thank you all so much for your work with PPE!




Bekki Drewlo RN, BSN, MPA | HC Clinical Manager


Fairview Home Care and Hospice

Office: 651-257-7830 | Cell: 651-210-5419 | Fax 651-257-8852


From: mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org <mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org> On Behalf Of Greg Von Arx
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 5:24 AM
To: mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org
Subject: RE: MHCA Conferences - time sensitive


I’m fine with the staff recommendation.



Greg Von Arx

Recover Health

5900 Green Oak Drive, Suite 200

Minnetonka, MN 55343

office: 952-926-9808 ext. 1001

direct: 952-358-3268



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From: mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org <mhcabod@list.mnhomecare.org> On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 4:10 PM
To: MHCABOD@list.mnhomecare.org
Subject: MHCA Conferences - time sensitive


As time passes, it is clear that the pandemic will hang on for some time. We continue to make more changes in our educational programming, such as moving the OASIS to a larger venue in order to better practice social distancing. The staff has discussed the fall conference and we are recommending that we go virtual for the fall conference. Please let me know by Monday if you do NOT agree with this decision. If you support this decision, we can move forward with canceling  the venue.


Melissa is doing research on options for the Annual Meeting, which we will present at the July meeting. That one is more complex with breakout sessions and exhibitors.


Other Updates:

The first PPE delivery arrived at my house this afternoon! We are following the state’s protocol for re-use of masks and considering the state’s supply as fulfilling orders that can’t otherwise be filled. Therefore we started with a small supply. The state will begin sending home care orders to us and we have agreed to fulfill the Medicare-Certified agency orders. MHCA will utilize this as a recruitment opportunity. If more extensive orders are forwarded to us, Accra has graciously offered us space for PPE storage and staging.


The MHCA staff will be together Monday – the first time in person since mid-March! We will work on the committee assignments and sorting for the PPE distribution, while practicing social distancing.


Lastly, the Home Care COVID Coalition (HCCC) will meet for the first time Tuesday. I’m excited to launch this group and will keep you posted on the initiatives.


Be Well,


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director

Minnesota HomeCare Association


2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607

Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043

www.mnhomecare.org | kmesserli@mnhomecare.org


Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.


Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.





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