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I apologize, I forgot to attach this as well, excellent resource!
Joelle Goldade RN, BSN, CHPN, COS-C, HCS-D
Director of Clinical Operations
CHI Health at Home – Home Health and Hospice
4816 Amber Valley Parkway
Fargo ND 58104
Cell (primary number): 701.640.6209 | Office: 701.237.8147 | F: 701.237.8188
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From: <> On Behalf Of
Troumbly, Katie J
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 4:45 PM
Subject: RE: ED Update
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I am appreciative of your teams’ work, Kathy! Side note, I did not receive the initial email from you, but received all of the responses.
Only 2 positive cases in Itasca County – no positives for our agency. Two staff have tested negative. We do have N95s and would take positive cases with aerosolizing treatments although we would try to provide care at least 2 hours after a treatment, if possible. My staff have been fit tested, but I thought that I heard that fit testing was waived as long as employees have education on how the masks should properly fit.
We are doing fine thus far, waiting for the storm to hit in our area. Also, hoping that people stay the course and continue to follow the Governor’s directive.
From: <>
On Behalf Of Andrea Jung
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: ED Update
Thanks Kathy! I am also grateful for MHCA.
We had a home care client in an AL that tested positive. He had very mild symptoms and recovered in 14 days. We have had 3 nurses tested. 2 were sick with something but both tested negative. The third employee also tested negative, she had a temperature over 100 one day, no other symptoms. The facility that she visited requested that she be tested (unnecessary in my opinion). We would take COVID + if they are recovering and if they do not require any aerosolizing procedures. We do not have any N95. And if we did, we might not have any way to fit test them. We haven’t had any referrals yet either. But we are ready! AJ
From: <>
On Behalf Of Goldade, Joelle
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 1:56 PM
Subject: RE: ED Update
Thank you for your help with this – beyond grateful for MN Home Care support truly. We have had one hospice client in a SNF test positive. This positive was one of the first prior to the SNF limiting all hospice staff (before they allowed only RNs). They have now turned 180° and allowed RNs back in. Staff have screened positive, none have tested positive. Yes, we would take COVID+ patients, none yet referred to us.
Joelle Goldade RN, BSN, CHPN, COS-C, HCS-D
Director of Clinical Operations
CHI Health at Home – Home Health and Hospice
4816 Amber Valley Parkway
Fargo ND 58104
Cell (primary number): 701.640.6209 | Office: 701.237.8147 | F: 701.237.8188
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From: <>
On Behalf Of Susan Morgan
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: ED Update
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Thanks Kathy. It’s nice to hear what is happening with the requests regarding relaxed regulation & oversight in this difficult time of providing care & wanting to focus more on the clients & less on the sometimes burdensome rules. We certainly appreciate your advocacy for Home Care!
Susan Morgan, RN, BSN, PHN | Chief Program Officer
Office: 952-935-3515 | Fax: 952-935-7112 | Cell: 952-388-9043
12600 Whitewater Dr, Suite 100
Minnetonka, MN 55343
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Alexandria | Bemidji | Brainerd | Duluth | Fergus Falls | Grand Rapids | Minnetonka | Lake City | Moorhead | New Ulm | Red Wing
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From: <>
On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:49 PM
Subject: ED Update
How are you all coping? We’d be interested in hearing if you have clients and/or staff that have tested positive. Are you taking COVID hospital discharge patients? Having that information helps us better advocate for you. As you know a lot of attention is on the assisted livings and nursing homes right now because the majority of cases have been in those congregate settings. But the work you are doing is critical and we are working to keep that message front and center.
In general, the number of COVID-related meetings have increased. Karen and I have split them up so we can keep you informed of the newest information. A sampling of the meetings includes: MN Health Care Tactics, MN State Emergency Operations Center – LTC, Metro Coalition for home care & hospice (emergency preparedness), NAHC Town Hall, Forum of State Associations. There have been several other activities in the past couple of weeks:
· As I noted in my last update, there is a need for additional language for HCN & therapy to be ordered by NPPs in MN. Kevin was working on a couple options and I had a good conversation with my Senator, Sen John Hoffman. We made an impact and this is now being viewed as urgent due to COVID-19 so at this point, it’s in the policy bill.
· The MN Senate formed a COVID-19 Working Group that is addressing a wide array of issues. I sent them a letter with our outstanding priorities to keep home care on their radar.
· We were asked by a member about their liability should they unintentionally pass COVID-19 along from one client to another. After some investigating, I learned that the 2 nursing home associations and the hospital association were working on this issue. We have our name on a letter that was sent to the Governor requesting an Executive Order to provide immunity from civil, administrative, and criminal liability.
· On the federal level, NAHC wrote another letter to CMS and collaborated with the hospital associations. MHA agreed to sign onto that letter, at my request. NAHC was also working with LeadingAge at the national level so MN’s LeadingAge is also on the letter. MN was well represented. The ask in this letter was to lift some regulatory barriers, with a focus on telemedicine and signed documents.
I have referenced several letters and don’t want to bombard you with too much during this busy time. If you’d like to see any of them, please let me know. I’d be happy to forward to you.
· Able Care Connect (part of the Goodman Group) joined this past week.
· There are several grants and funding options available for home care agencies. I hope you have seen the information on our COVID-19 webpage.
· Congressman Phillips’ staff told me that they are hoping there will be some funding for 501c6 orgs in the next round. MHCA can then decide whether to apply for any funding. The latest word is that the US may not be able to get back to ‘normal’ for 18 months when vaccinations are available and utilized. I don’t know what to expect for mandates on large groups during this time. MHCA could be financially impacted if we are not able to host our planned conferences and/or if we see a dip in membership due to financial concerns among our agency members.
As always, MHCA is here for you!
Be Well,
Kathy Messerli
Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association
2550 University Ave. W., Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900
Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607
Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043 |
Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.
Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.
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