So happy that you were able to find a new Administrative Assistant & exciting that the regulatory position will be posted soon too!


Thank you for the updates as well J





Bekki Drewlo RN, BSN, MPA | HC Clinical Manager


Fairview Home Care and Hospice

Office: 651-257-7830 | Cell: 651-210-5419 | Fax 651-257-8852


From: [] On Behalf Of Kathy Messerli
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2019 11:42 AM
Subject: ED Update & questions



Good news - A candidate that we are excited about has verbally accepted the Administrative Assistant position and we are planning on an April 18th start date. I will share more when I get the signed offer letter.


We mentioned the new regulatory position in yesterday’s Informer and will be officially posting that very soon.



This a time during the MN Legislative Session where we wait to see how the Senate and House positions come together. Here’s a brief review:

§  Sexual Predator – still moving in bodies

§  Start of Care – not likely to get through this session; legislators and chair Rep Liebling would like to see broader payment reform so we may want to add this to our future payment reform proposal

§  Home Care Licensure – There has been too much energy spent on debates over “plan” or “agreement,” with DHS weighing in and consideration being given to the language in the new Assisted Living licensure bills! We continue to watch how our language may conflict with MDH’s recent changes to 144A, which were spurred from the need to clean up AL language that was included and the desire for some consistency. I will be meeting with MDH reps to readdress our concern regarding a change from 10 days to 30 days notice of the termination of service and ensure plan and agreement are being used in a consistent manner.

§  Adding new LPN code/rate – Lisa Flynn, Legislative Team member testified on this yesterday. See the Informer for that article. DHS has agreed to a phone call with me next week  - they are standing by their research that led them to recommend 84% of the RN rate for the LPNs and I want to ensure they understand the ramifications of this low rate. There was some confusion in the 11th hour yesterday and I would like to know what your agencies are currently doing: Do you just use T1030 for both RN and LPN skilled nursing visits or do some of you already utilize T1031 for LPN (and paid at the same rate as RN)? A member stated that they already use T1031 but DHS doesn’t currently recognize this code in their system.


I have a meeting scheduled with Congressman Phillips when he is home on break. I attended a Town Hall in order to meet a couple of his staff and they reached out to schedule this meeting to introduce him to home care and MHCA. I am his constituent, which I suspect also opened the door. I encourage you all to reach out to your Congressman – I would be happy to attend meetings with you. Congressman Hagedorn’s staff has also been in contact so I’ve asked about his availability during break.



I will send the Committee document to you for review by early next week. This will be shared with members at the Annual Meeting, along with the committee application. In the next couple of weeks, I will also draft talking points for you to take to the Region Meetings. I mentioned this at the Legislative Team meeting this week because there is no replacement for the Leg Team and I wanted to ensure it was framed appropriately for them. I believe Andrea is also going to share this with the Rehab Team next week. Andrea, please let me know if you’d like talking points for that meeting.


Nominating committee

The Nominating Committee met and is finalizing board candidates. They will bring a recommended officer slate to May board meeting and present the board candidates at the Business Meeting.


Kathy Messerli

Executive Director | Minnesota HomeCare Association


2550 University Ave. W.,  Ste. 350 S | St. Paul, MN 55114-1900

Direct: 651.635.0038 | Main: 651.635.0607

Toll-free: 866.607.0607 | Fax: 651.635.0043 |


Mission: MHCA represents and supports Minnesota home care providers committed to high quality home care services.


Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.

