

Thank you for your comments below. I haven’t had an opportunity to review the SOM changes, but you brought up great questions.


I will not be attending the NAHC webinar (we’re not members). But if anyone attends, it would be great if you could share any learnings with this group.




Vickie Brand, BSN, RN, PHN

Compliance and Privacy Consultant Senior • Allina Health

Mail Route 10839 • 2925 Chicago Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55407

(651) 635-9173



From: <> On Behalf Of Stark, Jennifer
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2024 9:13 AM
Subject: [External Mail] RE: Updated HH SOM-feedback requested


Good morning and Happy Friday!


Regarding the revised HHA SOM, overall, I find the revisions helpful in its consolidation of multiple regs, protocols and interpretive guidelines.

I had just a few questions based on my review:

  1. 484.60(a)(2): Individualized care plan – inclusion of supplies and equipment:  Should agencies include only the supplies and equipment provided by the HHA on the POC, or all supplies/equipment necessary to the POC?  Not really a new question, but one that I’ve had different interpretations of, and the additional IG note added regarding supplies made me question how others interpret this.
  2. 484.80(h)(iv) Revised IG: “The skilled professional who supervises aide services should be familiar with the patient, the patient’s plan of care, and the written patient care instructions.” This is worded slightly different from the current IG shown below.  Would there be a potential issue with an RN Manager making the annual on-site visit versus the nurse case manager who is familiar with the patient?  The skilled nurse/therapist involved in patient care is completing every 14-day sup visits, but we find value in having an RN manager/supervisor make the annual onsite supervisory visits (assess competency, etc).  They familiarize themselves with the patient care plan, but may not be “familiar with the patient”.  I may be reading too much into this one!


  1. 484.55(c)(5): Not a question for CMS/MDH, but I’m curious if any agencies are considering changing their current practice regarding RN review of meds in therapy only cases.


NAHC is hosting a webinar next Thursday regarding the revised SOM, and impact on providers.  Are any workgroup members planning to attend?


Thanks all!


Jennifer Stark, RHIA

Health Information & Compliance Coordinator

Home Care and Hospice


220 North 6th Ave. East | Duluth, MN 55805

Phone: 218-249-6147 | Fax: 218-249-6166


From: <> On Behalf Of Stark, Jennifer
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 8:02 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: RE: Updated HH SOM-feedback requested


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FYI: NAHC is reviewing the revised Appendix B and has provided the attached summary, with more info to come.  NAHC is also developing a crosswalk between the current SOM and revised version.  I’ll monitor and share info with the group as able. 

Again, if you have any questions based on the revisions, please send to the workgroup by Friday and we’ll compile a list for follow up with MDH. 

Thanks everyone


Jennifer Stark, RHIA

Health Information & Compliance Coordinator

Home Care and Hospice


220 North 6th Ave. East | Duluth, MN 55805

Phone: 218-249-6147 | Fax: 218-249-6166


From: Stark, Jennifer
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 1:08 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: Updated HH SOM-feedback requested
Importance: High


Happy Friday!

CMS just published revisions to Appendix B of the HHA State Operations Manual (SOM) – link provided below.

My ask of this workgroup is to look over the revisions and determine if there are any questions we’d like MHCA to bring to MDH.

Please send your feedback/questions regarding the revisions, if any, to the workgroup by Friday, 3/22.

I know it’s a lengthy document and appreciate everyone taking time to review and share their thoughts.

QSO-24-07-HHA (

Thank You and Happy Reading! 😊


Jennifer Stark, RHIA

Health Information & Compliance Coordinator

Home Care and Hospice

Description: Description: SL Logo wTag_rgb.jpg


220 North 6th Ave. East | Duluth, MN 55805

Phone: 218-249-6147 | Fax: 218-249-6166


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