Hi Brianna,

Our HR department will be best in completing this survey.  I have forwarded it to them for completion. 


Thank you,



KC Ferk
RN, BSN  |  Home Health Director
Direct:  952-356-1404  | 
Main:  763‑591‑1959  |  Fax:  763-591-0105
12600 Whitewater Drive, Suite #100
Minnetonka MN  
Email:  KCFerk@accracare.org  | 
Website:  accrahomecare.org
For more information on Community First Services & Supports (CFSS)
Our offices serve all 87 Minnesota counties

From: medicarewkgp@list.mnhomecare.org <medicarewkgp@list.mnhomecare.org> On Behalf Of Brianna Lindell
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 8:03 AM
To: Brianna Lindell <blindell@mnhomecare.org>
Subject: FW: IMPORTANT – Background Study Change


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Hi MHCA Committees/Workgroups,


I am reaching out today hoping you could assist MHCA with a short regarding implications for the changes coming to background study fees (please see the 10/18 informer- under MHCA in action- for more information).

We sent out the below survey to the primary contact at your agency but have very little response so far.

Would you (or someone at your agency) be willing to assist us in gathering the data needed on the impact this will have for your agency? The survey will be asking for number of employees hired in certain positions. An estimate for this is fine. See below for the link to the survey.


Thank you in advance for your help! I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Brianna Lindell

Regulatory Affairs & Advocacy Manager

Minnesota Home Care Association


1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 2 | Arden Hills, MN 55112-6929

Direct: 651.240.3380 | Main: 651.635.0607

www.mnhomecare.org | blindell@mnhomecare.org




From: Lauren Wallmow <lwallmow@mnhomecare.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 11:10 AM
To: Brianna Lindell <blindell@mnhomecare.org>; Dan Atwood <datwood@mnhomecare.org>; Lauren Wallmow <lwallmow@mnhomecare.org>
Subject: IMPORTANT – Background Study Change


Brief survey – help MHCA advocate for you

Earlier this month, MDH informed MHCA that there will be a process change for the payment of background studies that will pass the cost onto your agency. MHCA, in partnership with other state associations, is actively working to advocate against this change.

To assist our advocacy efforts, we need a better understanding of the financial impacts this would have within your organization. Please take five minutes to complete the linked survey, or send it to whomever in your organization would be the best fit to answer the questions. Please only complete the survey once.

If you have any questions, please contact Brianna at blindell@mnhomecare.org. Thank you.


Minnesota Home Care Association, 1265 Grey Fox Road, Ste. 2, Arden Hills, MN 55112
P: 651.635.0607  |  F: 651.635.0043  |  www.mnhomecare.org  |  membership@mnhomecare.org





Mission: MHCA serves home care providers through advocacy, education, resources, and collaborations.
Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.


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From: MHCA User
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:25 AM
Cc: Lauren Wallmow <lwallmow@mnhomecare.org>
Subject: IMPORTANT – Background Study Change



NOTICE – MDH to Push Background Study Costs onto Agencies


Earlier this week, MDH informed MHCA that there will be a process change for the payment of background studies. We have been working diligently behind the scenes throughout the week to advocate against this change, but as of right now, MDH is moving forward.

The current practice for home care agencies licensed through MDH (does not include PCA agencies) is that MDH pays $44 for the background check, which is funded through the legislature. The fingerprinting cost of $10.50 is either paid by the employer or the future employee.

*Please keep in mind that prospective employees that are licensed through a health licensing board (eg. RN, PT, OT), are not part of this process as background checks are processed through their licensing board.  

MDH has stated that as of February 1, 2024, they will no longer pay for the background check fee ($44). Your organization will be responsible for paying $44 per study on NETSmart 2.0, or you have the option to pass this cost off to your applicant.

MHCA is working for you to advocate against this change. This includes constant communications with MDH to work on fixing the underlying issues around the background study processes that have led them to make this change, as well as communication with key legislators, requesting that they step in and stop this change from taking effect.

While we are advocating against this change, MHCA and MDH recommend providers begin assessing the number of background study applications you will need to submit on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis to estimate projected background study budgets. Providers should also begin planning for this change by considering how to efficiently navigate the application process to avoid costly resubmissions. The most common reasons for resubmitting a background study are:

          1. Individuals do not complete the fingerprint and photo requirements within the 14-day timeframe.

          2. Individuals do not complete and submit the consent and disclosure form required by NETStudy 2.0, or if the subject declines the consent and disclosure in error.

          3. The provider withdrew the request for a background study after submitting, but later decides it will pursue hiring the individual and submits a new background study application.

When these resubmissions occur, providers will be charged double the fee, so it is imperative that when you go to initiate a background check, you are prepared to provide and complete all the necessary information.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact MHCA. We will keep you informed of any updates in MHCA’s bi-monthly Informer.


Minnesota Home Care Association, 1265 Grey Fox Road, Ste. 2, Arden Hills, MN 55112
P: 651.635.0607  |  F: 651.635.0043  |  www.mnhomecare.org  |  membership@mnhomecare.org





Mission: MHCA serves home care providers through advocacy, education, resources, and collaborations.
Vision: MHCA will shape the home care landscape to improve and sustain quality home care services.


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