I was actually eagerly awaiting other agency responses, but haven’t seen any yet, so thought I would jump into the fray on this one.
This has been an ongoing debate within our agency as well and I will describe where we have landed – although I cannot say if it is the most regulatory compliant approach.
As a Medicare certified agency, we offer to provide that service to the client if they met Medicare eligibility and they require the service. It has always been my understanding the agency must provide the services required by the client
which Medicare in fact covers. That is the client’s right.
If the client resides in assisted living there are considerations, for example:
These considerations are evaluated on a case by case basis and the client decides.
But the short answer for us is, yes, we offer the shower as part of the Medicare episode of care if it is a necessary service to meet the clients needs during the episode of care – along with any other services covered by Medicare.
Lynette Oehlke Hoffman
Director of Operations l
Comfort Health
office 507.281.2332
cell 507.202.1578
address 2746 Superior Dr NW, #200, Rochester, MN 55901
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From: billers@list.mnhomecare.org <billers@list.mnhomecare.org>
On Behalf Of Patti Fladwood
Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 8:13 AM
To: billers@list.mnhomecare.org
Subject: question regarding HHA
We are having a discussion in our agency regarding providing HHA services in AL when patients are already receiving showers from the AL. Just wondering what other agencies do in these cases. I know Insurance doesn’t pay in that case,
but the are saying that it’s a Medicare reg to provide even in AL.
Thanks for any responses.
Patti Fladwood
Presbyterian Homes & Services
2845 Hamline Avenue North, Roseville, MN 55113
Email: pfladwood@preshomes.org
is the home and community services division of Presbyterian Homes & Services.
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