I do the same as Mary. 


Except that we do not bill for sign language interpretation so I do not bill the U3 modifier,  just 8 units of T1013.

You do not need an auth.






Face-to-face spoken language interpreter service



Face-to-face sign language interpreter service



Kelly Rader

Billing Specialist

Hennepin Home Health Care

763-425-5959  ex 44


From: billers@list.mnhomecare.org <billers@list.mnhomecare.org> On Behalf Of Mary Hanson
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 4:13 PM
To: billers@list.mnhomecare.org
Subject: RE: interpreters


I have successfully billed DHS in the past but it’s been awhile.


Here’s what my notes say:

Use code T1013 U3

File as 837 P

No revenue code

No authorization

Billed 8 units


I understand you are trying to bill more than the 8 units, so not sure this helps you.   I don’t have experience in getting an authorization for more.




From: billers@list.mnhomecare.org <billers@list.mnhomecare.org> On Behalf Of Jenifer Baker
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 3:58 PM
To: billers@list.mnhomecare.org
Subject: interpreters


So as a 'passion' project... lol I have been trying to figure out how to bill ongoing services for interpreters. This is what I have found out. 


We use interpreter agencies, and they typically bill their own services, EXCEPT however, they are all unable to bill straight medical assistance. They can bill managed Medicaid like BCBS and UCare, but cannot bill for any clients with only MA. SO.. 


I found out how to bill per the provider manual which includes an allowed 8 units (15 min/unit), but we see these clients for much more than this. So it says you can request auth from Kepro, which we did, but Kepro kept changing our T1013 request to a T1031 thinking we were asking for nursing!! When I called Kepro, they said that I am submitting a SA (service agreement) rather than a Medical PA? That home care services doesn't have a T1013 code you can request. When I asked what the difference is, as far as the process to make the request, they said I needed to contact DHS. 


I call DHS helpdesk and they have no idea what I am talking about, I was speaking to someone in the home care section, but they suggested that maybe I needed to talk with the physicians line since they make outpatient requests for auth rather than a home care request? 


Has anyone had any experience with this process? Or how do you get interpreter services paid for with your MA clients? 


I feel like I'm being sent in circles



Jenifer Baker, OTR, PTA, COS-C

Agency Director

Firstat Nursing Services

Comprehensive Home Care and Therapy Services

2395 Ariel St. N, 
Suite A
Maplewood, MN  55109

Office: 651-288-0222 ext. 2003

Direct Number: 651-409-4378

Fax: 651-288-0214

 Our Mission is to Provide Comprehensive, Compassionate, Family Centered Care Dedicated to Enriching the Lives of our Employees, our Patients, their Loved Ones and the Community We Serve.

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